Auntie Ann Knits

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Waving Lace Sock

After the fiasco and general PIA that I experienced with the 2x2 tubular bind-off, I was not ready for anything too tricky or new, but I needed to cast on for a new sock right away. I felt as if I would go through withdrawal if I did not get another sock on the needles immediately, one that I would actually be able to knit steadily on.

So I took the Fleece Artist yarn I bought at Stitches West and immediately cast on for this:


This is the start of Waving Lace Socks from "Favorite Socks".

I love the colors of this yarn. Love them! Even the green. My famous aversion to green is tempered by the blues and purples. Green, especially the dark emerald green, is just fine for me in small doses next to blue and purple, apparently.

Now, the very astute will notice that this sock starts with a 1x1 rib, but no tubular cast-on is apparent. Wouldn't this have been the perfect opportunity to learn tubular cast-on?

Yes, and no. Yes, I want to learn to do that some day. And no, I think that if I, in my battered mental state as a result of my epic struggle with 2x2 tubular bind-off, had attempted to do that, my head would have exploded.



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