Auntie Ann Knits

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sock-in-a-Day Challenge

I'm doing the Sock-in-a-Day Challenge (see button in sidebar). Liz has challenged us to see if we can knit a sock in one day, as the Yarn Harlot had to do before her appearance on Knitty Gritty a while back.

Fortunately for my famously fragile hands, the rules Liz set up let us choose to knit a sock in 18 hours over the week of the Challenge.

I began the Challenge on Sunday night. Knit for over 2 hours. And this is what the results of my efforts looked like:

sock in a day 1

Isn't that rather pathetic? Of course, when I especially want my sock to go right, I have to cast on 3 times, drop stitches, etc.

Not that it excuses that patheticness, but there are some distractions around here. This is what my backyard looks like:


Panning right:


And the Mound o' Rocks:

mound o' rocks

That thing is taller than I am! Which is not saying a heck of a lot, but still.

Wouldn't you have thought that my deer friends would have been scared away? Me, too, but no-o-o-o:

older deer

Can you tell they are a little older? The antlers are a bit bigger now.

My poor tomatoes. Last year I grew tomatoes in the general location currently occupied by the Mound o' Rocks. A location protected from my deer friends by a tall fence.

This year I have to make do with a location in the front yard, unprotected by a fence. So I went to the nursery for one tomato plant (instead of two, like last summer), the better to protect it inside its cage with deer netting.

tomato cage

(Note for future reference -- no need to make that special trip to the store with "deer netting" in stock, rather than "bird netting" -- it's the same darn thing, just more of it.)

After I took the pic of the tomato in its little cage, I turned right and took this:

next to tomatoes

Yep, heavy equipment in the front and the back yards. Woo-hoo.

By now the Sock-in-a-Day Challenge sock has grown, and indeed, over 7 hours into my Challenge knitting, it is past the heel turn and almost done with the flap. This is why I hate to keep track of how many hours it takes me to knit something -- doesn't that seem like a lot of time for about 2/3 of a sock? I haven't even included swatching time or pattern researching time.

But more on that later. In my next post, I want to tell you about our bee-swarm-ectomy. For now, let me just say this -- don't try this at home, kids.


  • Having to cast on a few times for a sock is totally normal and makes for a better sock.

    Does the equipment have people to move them around? Or does it just live in your yards? ;^)

    By Blogger Cookie, at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:21:00 PM  

  • Nice yard! *g*

    By Blogger Romi, at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:27:00 PM  

  • Yay for impressive construction pictures! I think it's probably a bad thing that deer have become so accustomed to human presence that they aren't even scared by construction noise...

    Hope it hasn't been *too* depressing to find out how long knitting a sock really takes, but personally a foot in 7 hours doesn't sound that bad to me at all.

    By Blogger Liz, at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 3:06:00 PM  

  • Must hear about the bee swarm-ectomy. You made very good progress on your sock. Careful with your arm, though. No sock-in-a-day challenge is worth what you went through recently. I'd quit at the first twinge. I've been having a little elbow pain recently and haven't been knitting or blogging as much. Need to heal.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, May 17, 2007 5:01:00 AM  

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