Auntie Ann Knits

Friday, March 16, 2007

New Toy!

I still am not knitting more than about an hour a week (and how pathetic is that?), but boy can I crank out icord.

However, apparently I cannot take a proper photograph.
icord maker
(Arty appearance actually due to original photo being about 8 degrees off vertical. I have no clue how I managed that one.)

I saw one of these on someone's website (sorry, I have forgotten whose), and I went here immediately and bought one. It is called an "Embellish Knit!" (yes, the exclamation point is apparently part of the trademark), and when it arrived I immediately turned the sample yarn that came with it into that pink icord you see in the first photo. I think it took 5 minutes, max, maybe 10 because I had to figure it out for the first time. And promptly had to do it all over again, just because apparently I'm very easily amused.

And the red yarn in the second photo? I am living dangerously, living on the edge, really out there, baby. I am using worsted weight yarn in the machine, when it clearly says not to. It is meant for lighter weight yarn (supposedly sport weight, max), and I have to say that with the worsted more care is definitely required to make sure the set-up round begins properly and that the stitches keep forming properly (but it's kind of hypnotic to watch, anyway).

This is made by a company called "Bond" and retails for about $15. I have plans to make a felted tote (using traditional quilt motifs) that calls for miles and miles of icord to make two braided handles (which I would want even longer than they say, so that it could be a shoulder tote) and I had already copped out and bought suede handles at a yarn store my SnB met at in January, but now I may go back to the braid icord handles. In worsted weight yarn, because I am, you know, living on the edge.


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