Day 6 -- No Knitting (are we bored yet?!)
I know I am.
More in my series of amazing images-from-the-net (no mousing required!):
This is your hand.
This is your hand with tendinitis.
Just for clarity -- I do not have DeQuervain's, I have general tendinitis and probably irritation of the nerves of the hand, wrist and forearm. Sorry if this is a bit graphic and depressing. I am actually a little bit better, but I definitely see no knitting in my future for at least a week at this rate. I have been reading blogs (unread posts -- down below 90 for the first time since December!), sorting through my knitting magazines to cull a few for my next knit night, which will feature a swap of unwanted patterns, magazines and books. I have such pack-rat tendencies that I have only pulled a couple from the pile that I can bear to part with at this point, but at least I have tabbed some of the others for easier future reference.
However! I am looking forward to going to Stitches West the weekend after next. I am too late to sign up for any of the 3-hour or 6-hour(!) classes, oh well, but hope to get into some of the 1-hour "market sessions", and to find some that will interest DD. That may be the next time I knit -- can you believe it? And despite my inability to do a darn thing with my stash currently, I am definitely going to treat myself to some stash enhancement.
Is it just me or do you seem to be blogging more now that you can't knit?
I'm so jealous that you get to go to a Stitches. Seems like all the Texas festivals are scheduled for right before finals, when I can least afford to take off and go to one. Sigh! Fondle stuff for me!
Liz, at Friday, February 16, 2007 8:08:00 PM
My arm started aching just reading that stuff. Glad I didn't start whining about my crappy stranded knitting. Crappy is better, than none, I guess.
Don't you hate how depressing the Hallmark channel is?
Anonymous, at Saturday, February 17, 2007 1:12:00 PM
You're smart to take things slowly and wait for your wrist to heal. I'm happy to hear that you're making the most of your down time and will hopefully find lots of interesting ideas and inspirations to look forward to. Get well soon!
Anonymous, at Sunday, February 18, 2007 12:53:00 PM
That just sucks! I have RA which has been in remission, and mybiggest fear is that I won't be able to use my hands to knit some day. I don't know what I'd do. Rest those hands up good so you will be all better for Stitches West.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 20, 2007 1:18:00 PM
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