Best. Christmas. Present. Ever!
Not to brag, but we (DH and me) got the Best. Christmas. Present. Ever!
Bar none.
I'm not kidding.
Ode to Parents
I am a voice you brought into this world of love and joy,
and for that and much more I thank you with the gift you have given me
You have given me a great gift,
this voice I have.
This home I have.
This life I have.
This body of flesh and bones
with a heart of love
and a brain of wisdom.
I still have much to learn.
But I trust you
to teach me well
passed the time I leave the nest.
Your guidance I will cherish always,
and your happiness and smiles
I will try to copy.
This is because I love you.
We love it.
Awwww. *Big mommy sigh*
J, at Monday, December 29, 2008 8:07:00 PM
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